
    2021-03-10 18:32:34           浏览数:0



  所属学科:食品科学与工程; 研究方向:农产品加工及贮藏。












  1. 朱俊向, 吴昊*, 陈海华. 果蔬加工学课程立体教学模式的构建与实践[J]. 食品工业, 2021, 42(1): 268-271.(中文核心)


  主要从事农产品贮藏加工及组分相互作用研究。主持山东省自然科学基金1项、我校高层次人才科研基金1项、浙江省公益技术应用研究项目1项、浙江省海洋渔业资源可持续利用技术研究重点实验室开放课题1项。参与国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省现代农业产业技术体系、山东省高等学校科技计划项目及横向课题多项,以第一(含共同)或通讯作者在国内外期刊发表文章15篇,其中SCI及EI收录10篇。参编英文著作1部。担任Frontiers in Nutrition客座编辑。


3、浙江省公益技术应用研究项目(2018C37023),基于碱性离子液体设计双水相胶束体系结合UPLC 测定水产品中的胆固醇,5.0万元,2018.01-2019.12,主持


1、Cheng Zhao1, Junxiang Zhu1, Chenxue Zhang, Wenfang Wang, Wenlin Qu, Wenhua Wang, Wenxiang Li, Hao Wu*. Preparation of mechanically strong and active composite films based on fish myofibrillar proteins: The dual effects of oxidized polyphenol crosslinking and layered double hydroxide reinforcement. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 129: 107616.(一区,IF = 9.147)
2、Jing Li1, Junxiang Zhu1, Hao Wu*, Wenxiang Li. Synthesis, in vitro, and in silico studies of fisetin and quercetin and their metal complexes as inhibitors of α-glucosidase and thrombin. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 349, 118164.(二区,IF = 6.165)
3、Guilin Guan1, Linan Zhang1, Junxiang Zhu, Hao Wu*, Wenxiang Li, Qingjie Sun. Antibacterial properties and mechanism of biopolymer-based films functionalized by CuO/ZnO nanoparticles against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 402: 123542.(一区,IF = 10.588,ESI高被引论文)
4、Junxiang Zhu1, Kangjing Li1, Hao Wu*, Wenxiang Li, Qingjie Sun. Multi-spectroscopic, conformational, and computational atomic-level insights into the interaction of β-lactoglobulin with apigenin at different pH levels. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 105: 105810.(一区,IF = 7.053)
5、Junxiang Zhu, Cong Wang, Jun Gao, Hao Wu*, Qingjie Sun. Aggregation of fucoxanthin and its effects on binding and delivery properties of whey proteins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(37): 10412-10422.(一区,IF = 4.192)
6、Junxiang Zhu, Hao Li, Ying Xu, Dongfeng Wang*. Construction of fucoxanthin vector based on binding of whey protein isolate and its subsequent complex coacervation with lysozyme. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(10): 2980-2990.(一区,IF = 4.192)
7、Junxiang Zhu, Hao Wu*, Qingjie Sun. Preparation of crosslinked active bilayer film based on chitosan and alginate for regulating ascorbate-glutathione cycle of postharvest cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 130: 584-594.(二区,IF = 5.162)
8、Dingyi Yu, Cong Wang, Yufeng Song, Junxiang Zhu*, Xiaojun Zhang. Discovery of novel angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from Todarodes pacificus and their inhibitory mechanism: In silico and In vitro studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(17): 4159.(二区,IF = 4.556)
9、Kangjing Li, Guilin Guan, Junxiang Zhu, Hao Wu*, Qingjie Sun. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of a laccase-catalyzed chitosan–gallic acid derivative against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus[J]. Food Control, 2019, 96: 234-243.(二区,IF = 4.248,ESI高被引论文)
10、Junxiang Zhu, Xiaowen Sun, Shuhui Wang, Ying Xu, Dongfeng Wang*. Formation of nanocomplexes comprising whey proteins and fucoxanthin: Characterization, spectroscopic analysis, and molecular docking. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 63: 391-403.(二区,IF = 5.089)
11、Junxiang Zhu, Xiaowen Sun, Xiaoli Chen, Shuhui Wang, Dongfeng Wang*. Chemical cleavage of fucoxanthin from Undaria pinnatifida and formation of apo-fucoxanthinones and apo-fucoxanthinals identified using LC-DAD-APCI-MS/MS. Food Chemistry, 2016, 211: 365-373.(二区,IF = 4.529)
12、Xin Huang, Junxiang Zhu, Li Wang, Huijuan Jing, Chaoyang Ma, Xingran Kou*, Hongxin Wang*. Inhibitory mechanisms and interaction of tangeretin, 5-demethyltangeretin, nobiletin, and 5-demethylnobiletin from citrus peels on pancreatic lipase: Kinetics, spectroscopies, and molecular dynamics simulation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 164: 1927-1938.(合作研究,二区,IF = 5.162)
13、Xia Li1, Jianpeng Li1, Junxiang Zhu, Sijia Hao, Guozhen Fang, Jifeng Liu*, Shuo Wang*. Degradation of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) by an enzyme mimic and its application in the degradation of intracellular DEHP. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(89): 13458-13461.(合作研究,二区,IF = 5.996)

